Jenkins: The Definitive Guide

Download free course Jenkins: The Definitive Guide, pdf file on 417 pages by John Ferguson Smart.
Streamline software development with Jenkins, the popular Java-based open source tool that has revolutionized the way teams think about Continuous Integration (CI). This complete guide shows you how to automate your build, integration, release, and deployment processes with Jenkins - and demonstrates how CI can save you time, money, and many headaches.

Ideal for developers, software architects, and project managers, Jenkins: The Definitive Guide is both a CI tutorial and a comprehensive Jenkins reference. Through its wealth of best practices and real-world tips, you'll discover how easy it is to set up a CI service with Jenkins.

- Learn how to install, configure, and secure your Jenkins server;
- Organize and monitor general-purpose build jobs;
- Integrate automated tests to verify builds, and set up code quality reporting;
- Establish effective team notification strategies and techniques;
- Configure build pipelines, parameterized jobs, matrix builds, and other advanced jobs;
- Manage a farm of Jenkins servers to run distributed builds;
- Implement automated deployment and continuous delivery.

Table of contents

  • Introducing Jenkins
  • Your First Steps with Jenkins
  • Installing Jenkins
  • Configuring Your Jenkins Server
  • Setting Up Your Build Jobs
  • Automated Testing
  • Securing Jenkins
  • Notification
  • Code Quality
  • Advanced Builds
  • Distributed Builds
  • Automated Deployment and Continuous Delivery
  • Maintaining Jenkins
  • Automating Your Unit and Integration Tests
Pages : 417
Size : 24.8 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 35
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-ND
Author(s): John Ferguson Smart
Jenkins: The Definitive Guide

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