Denial of service attacks and network defense

This PDF tutorial will examine various denial of service attacks and network defense measures taken against them.

A DoS attack is an attack in which a third party purposely floods a network or website with traffic in order to prevent legitimate access.

A DDoS "occurs when multiple compromised systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system, usually one or more web servers.
In both cases, system vulnerabilities, hardware and/or software, are exploited to allow an intruder to compromise a system.
Today, DDoS attacks carried out by "botnets", take advantage of multiple compromised personal computers to direct a coordinated attack on a target network.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • DoS Attacks
  • Botnets
  • Infiltrating a remote control network
  • Analyzing the network in detail
  • Shutting down the remote control network
Size : 147.851 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 228
Created: 2019-05-03

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