The Basics of User Experience Design

If you're looking to gain an introduction into the world of user experience (UX) design - or maybe even freshen up your knowledge of the field - then this UX design book is the ideal place to start. You'll cover a wide range of topics over nine highly readable chapters, with each one acting as a mini crash course. By the end, you'll have been introduced to the key concepts, best practices, and guidelines in areas such as: User Experience (UX) Design; Design Thinking; Usability; User Research; Interaction Design; Mobile Web Design; Information Visualization.
Download free tutorial in PDF (73 pages) created by Mads Soegaard .
Pages : 73
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File type : HTML
Downloads: 162
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Mads Soegaard
The Basics of User Experience Design

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