CS Unplugged

Download free course CS Unplugged, pdf file on 243 pages by Tim Bell, Ian H. Witten, Mike Fellows.
Computers are everywhere. We all need to learn how to use them, and many of us use them every day. But how do they work? How do they think? And how can people write software that is fast and easy to use? Computer science is a fascinating subject that explores these very questions. The easy and fun activities in this book, designed for studentren of all ages, introduce you to some of the building blocks of how computers work - without using a computer at all!

This book can be effectively used in enrichment and extension programmes, or even in the regular classroom. You don't have to be a computer expert to enjoy learning these principles with your students. The book contains a range of activities, with background information explained simply. Answers to all problems are provided, and each activity ends with a 'what's it all about?' section that explains the relevance of the activities.

Many of the activities are mathematically based, e.g. exploring binary numbers, mapping and graphs, patterns and sorting problems, and cryptography. Others link in well with the technology curriculum, and the knowledge and understanding of how computers work. The studentren are actively involved in communication, problem solving, creativity, and thinking skills in a meaningful context. The activities also provide a very engaging way to explore "computational thinking", which is gaining traction in school curricula.

Table of contents

  • Data: the raw material - Representing information
  • Putting Computers to Work - Algorithms
  • Telling Computers What To Do - Representing Procedures
  • Really hard problems - Intractability
  • Sharing secrets and fighting crime-Cryptography
  • The human face of computing-Interacting with computers
Pages : 243
Size : 10.0 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 75
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Tim Bell, Ian H. Witten, Mike Fellows
CS Unplugged

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