Data Protection for the Hybrid Cloud

Download free course Data Protection for the Hybrid Cloud, pdf file on 115 pages by Shreesh Dubey, Vijay Tandra Sistla, Shivam Garg, Aashish Ramdas, Mitch Tulloch.
If you are responsible for architecting and designing the backup strategy for your organization, especially if you're looking for ways to incorporate cloud backup into your business continuity scenarios, this book is for you. With the increasing trends in virtualization as well as the move to the pubic cloud, IT organizations are headed toward a world where data and applications run in on-premises private clouds as well as in the public cloud. This has key implications for data protection strategy, and it is important to choose the solution that provides the same level of data protection you have afforded so far while allowing you to harness the power of the public cloud.

We will cover how the Azure Backup service has evolved into a first-class platform-as-a-service (PaaS) service in Microsoft Azure that integrates with the on-premises enterprise class backup product, System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM), to provide a seamless hybrid cloud backup solution. Current backup products treat the cloud as a storage endpoint, which we see as a limited-use case for the public cloud. The approach we describe in this book allows you to exploit the full power of the public cloud and gives you the flexibility to manage your backups in a hybrid world.

Table of contents

  • Data protection trends and challenges
  • Overview of hybrid cloud backup
  • Protecting Microsoft workloads
  • Protecting Azure IaaS workloads
  • Protecting Hyper-V virtual machines
  • VMware private cloud protection
  • Protecting the Microsoft Cloud Platform System
  • Optimizing backup storage
  • Integration with System Center
  • Integration with Azure Backup
  • Protecting Azure IaaS virtual machines
Pages : 115
Size : 4.9 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 55
Created: 2022-02-02
License: Microsoft Open
Author(s): Shreesh Dubey, Vijay Tandra Sistla, Shivam Garg, Aashish Ramdas, Mitch Tulloch
Data Protection for the Hybrid Cloud

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