Pharo by Example

Pharo is a modern open-source development environment for the classic Smalltalk-80 programming language. This book, intended for both students and developers, will guide you gently through the language and tools by means of a series of examples and exercises.

We are making this book available to you under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. You can either download the PDF for free from, or you can buy a softcover copy from (You can also pay for the PDF download from, if you would like to make a contribution to this effort.) Additional material is available from the book's web page at

Pages : 350 pages
Size :
File type : pdf
Downloads: 33
Created: 2020-08-30
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Author(s): Oscar Nierstrasz, Stephane Ducasse, Damien Pollet, Andrew P. Black
Pharo by Example

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