Rails on Containers

Download free course Rails on Containers, pdf file on 316 pages by Kathleen Juell.
This book is designed to introduce you to using containers and Kubernetes for full-stack development. You'll learn how to develop a full-stack application using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL with Sidekiq, and how to manage them all - first with Docker, then with Docker Compose, and finally with Kubernetes.

The topics that it covers include how to:
- Get started developing an application about sharks using the Ruby on Rails framework;
- Extend the application's data model to incorporate user submitted information about sharks;
- Add the Stimulus JavaScript and Bootstrap CSS frameworks to your application to create visually appealing, interactive pages;
- Integrate Sidekiq into your application to handle asynchronous data processing;
- Containerize your application and streamline your development workflow using Docker Compose;
- Migrate your Docker Compose development workflow to Kubernetes, finishing with a completely cloud-native application.

Each chapter is is designed to build progressively from the first. However, if you're familiar with a topic, or are more interested in a particular section, feel free to jump to the chapter that best suits your purpose.

Table of contents

  • How To Build a Ruby on Rails Application
  • How To Create Nested Resources for a Ruby on Rails Application
  • How To Add Stimulus to a Ruby on Rails Application
  • How To Add Bootstrap to a Ruby on Rails Application
  • How To Add Sidekiq and Redis to a Ruby on Rails Application
  • Containerizing a Ruby on Rails Application for Development with Docker Compose
  • How To Migrate a Docker Compose Workflow for Rails Development to Kubernetes
Pages : 316
Size : 8.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 25
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Kathleen Juell
Rails on Containers

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