Confessions of an IT Manager

Download free course Confessions of an IT Manager, pdf file on 306 pages by Phil Factor.
From IT projects that have trampled all over the guiding principles of successful development, to tips on training your manager to the required standard, each of Phil's tales is shot through with a wild seam of anarchic humour. And yet, in each case, the humor is just a sugar coating for a pill of sage advice, wrought from years of rough-and-tumble in the IT industry.

In his more reflective moments, he gives vent to his inner poet, penning romantic elegies to the SQL Server index, or quietly condemning recruitment agencies to Dante's inferno for crimes against innocent contractors.

Phil Factor is a legend in his own runtime. Scurrilous, absurd, confessional and scathing by turns, Confessions of an IT Manager targets the idiocy, incompetence and overreach of the IT management industry from vantage point all the way up and down the greasy pole.

Table of contents

  • On Learning to Love your Manager
  • The Strange Business of Software
  • Software Projects: the Good, the Bad and the Pitiful
  • Hiring, Firing and other acts of Villainy
  • What If ... ?
  • Hiccoughs in the Working Day
Pages : 306
Size : 6.2 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 79
Created: 2022-02-02
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): Phil Factor
Confessions of an IT Manager

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