The Second Internet: Reinventing Computer Networking with IPv6

This book provides a succinct, in-depth tour of all the new features and functions in IPv6. It guides you through everything you need to know to get started, including how to configure IPv6 on hosts and routers and which applications currently support IPv6. The new IPv6 protocols offers extended address space, scalability, improved support for security, real-time traffic support, and auto-configuration so that even a novice user can connect a machine to the Internet. Aimed at system and network administrators, engineers, network designers, and IT managers, this book will help you understand, plan for, design, and integrate IPv6 into your current IPv4 infrastructure.

Beginning with a short history of IPv6, author Silvia Hagen provides an overview of new functionality and discusses why we need IPv6. Hagen also shares exhaustive discussions of the new IPv6 header format and Extension Headers, IPv6 address and ICMPv6 message format, Security, QoS, Mobility and, last but not least, offers a Quick Start Guide for different operating systems.

Pages : N/A
Size : PDF (314 Pages, 3.01 MB)
File type : pdf
Downloads: 35
Created: 2020-08-30
License: CC BY-ND 3.0 US
Author(s): Lawrence E. Hughes
The Second Internet: Reinventing Computer Networking with IPv6

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