Asterisk: The Future of Telephony

Download free course Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, pdf file on 604 pages by by Jared Smith, Jim Van Meggelen, Leif Madsen.
This bestselling book is now the standard guide to building phone systems with Asterisk, the open source IP PBX that has traditional telephony providers running scared! Revised for the 1.4 release of the software, the new edition of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony reveals how you can save money on equipment and support, and finally be in control of your telephone system.

If you've worked with telephony in the past, you're familiar with the problem: expensive and inflexible systems that are tuned to the vendor's needs, not yours. Asterisk isn't just a candle in the darkness, it's a whole fireworks show. Because Asterisk is so powerful, configuring it can seem tricky and difficult. This book steps you through the process of installing, configuring, and integrating Asterisk with your existing phone system.

You'll learn how to write dialplans, set up applications including speech synthesis and voice recognition, how to script Asterisk, and much more - everything you need to design a simple but complete system with little or no Asterisk experience, and no more than rudimentary telecommunications knowledge. The book includes:
- A new chapter on managing/administering your Asterisk system
- A new chapter on using Asterisk with databases
- Coverage of features in Asterisk 1.4
- A new appendix on dialplan functions
- A simplified installation chapter
- New simplified SIP configuration, including examples for several popular SIP clients (soft phones and IP telephones)
- Revised chapters and appendicies reviewed and updated for the latest in features, applications, trends and best-practices

Asterisk is revolutionizing the telecom industry, due in large part to the way it gets along with other network applications. While other PBXs are fighting their inevitable absorption into the network, Asterisk embraces it. If you need to take control of your telephony systems, move to Asterisk and see what the future of telecommunications looks like.

Table of contents

  • A Telephony Revolution
  • Preparing a System for Asterisk
  • Installing Asterisk
  • Initial Configuration of Asterisk
  • Dialplan Basics
  • More Dialplan Concepts
  • Understanding Telephony
  • Protocols for VoIP
  • The Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)
  • Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) and Adhearsion
  • The Asterisk GUI Framework
  • Relational Database Integration
  • Managing Your Asterisk System
  • Potpourri
  • Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
  • VoIP Channels
  • Application Reference
  • AGI Reference
  • Configuration Files
  • Asterisk Dialplan Functions
  • Asterisk Manager Interface Actions
  • An Example of func_odbc 551
Pages : 604
Size : 15.0 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 99
Created: 2022-02-01
License: CC BY
Author(s): by Jared Smith, Jim Van Meggelen, Leif Madsen
Asterisk: The Future of Telephony

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