NGINX Unit Cookbook

Alongside its popular web server, NGINX provides a dynamic application server that supports a RESTful JSON API. The open source NGINX Unit server deploys configuration changes without service disruptions and runs apps built with multiple languages and frameworks. This updated cookbook shows developers, DevOps personnel, network admins, and cloud infrastructure pros how to quickly get started with NGINX Unit. Hands-on recipes demonstrate Unit's new approach and show you how to deploy and configure this server for different applications. You'll learn how to run applications written in different languages on the same server, how to use NGINX Unit as the foundation for your web application development environment, and how Unit's RESTful API simplifies configuration.
Download free tutorial in PDF (70 pages) created by .
Pages : 70
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File type : HTML
Downloads: 198
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
NGINX Unit Cookbook

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