Don't Just Roll the Dice

Download free course Don't Just Roll the Dice, pdf file on 74 pages by Neil Davidson.
How do you price your software? Is it art, science or magic? How much attention should you pay to your competitors?

This short handbook will provide you with the theory, practical advice and case studies you need to stop yourself from reaching for the dice.

Neil Davidson is co-founder of Red Gate Software. Redgate was founded in 1999 and now employs some 275 people. It was Cambridge News business of the year in 2006 and has been in the Sunday Times top 100 companies to work for seven years running. It was founded with no VC money and little debt. Neil is also founder of the annual Business of Software conference and runs the Business of Software social network.

Table of contents

  • Some - but not too much - Economics
  • Pricing Psychology: What is your product worth?
  • Pricing Pitfalls
  • Advanced Pricing
  • What your price says about you (and how to change it)
Pages : 74
Size : 5.3 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 61
Created: 2022-02-02
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): Neil Davidson
Don't Just Roll the Dice

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