Modern Web Development on the JAMstack

Download free course Modern Web Development on the JAMstack, pdf file on 127 pages by Mathias Biilmann, Phil Hawksworth.
Learn how to run your web projects - everything from simple sites to complex applications - without a single server. It's possible with the JAMstack, a modern web development architecture for deploying fast, highly-scalable sites and applications that don't require traditional origin infrastructure. This practical report explains how the JAMstack delivers better performance, higher security, and lower cost of scaling than server-run web apps.

Based on client-side JavaScript, reusable APIs, and prebuilt Markup, the JAMstack sits at the center of several converging trends and technologies already being used to support today's web projects. Authors Mathias Biilmann and Phil Hawksworth from Netlify demonstrate how the JAMstack drastically improves performance, increases reliability, and reduces the surface for attacks.

Table of contents

  • The Challenges of Modern Web Development
  • Introducing the JAMstack
  • Advantages of the JAMstack
  • Planning for the JAMstack
  • Shifting the Mental Model
  • Applying the JAMstack at Scale
  • Conclusion
Pages : 127
Size : 1.8 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 82
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY
Author(s): Mathias Biilmann, Phil Hawksworth
Modern Web Development on the JAMstack

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