XHTML tutorial in PDF

Created in January 2000, XHTML 1.0 is designed to conform to the Extensible Markup Language (XML) standard "while keeping" the properties of HTML 4.1. To simplify, it is a reformulation of the HTML language to the XML sauce.

To avoid confusion between versions, the World Wide Web Consortium has decided to provide this new XML-based HTML (XHTML) with a new name and version control.

Table of contents

  • The Basics
  • A New DTD
  • A Sample XHTML Document


The main goal is to separate the form and content:
The proliferation of products connecting to the internet such as PDA, multimedia mobile phones, I-mode ..., will force us to separate content and formatting.
Thanks to this, you will have only one content and several formatting according to the reading support of the page.


Make the document readable by the machine:

The rigor of the XML will facilitate the interpretation of the document by the machines. These machines are, among other things, Internet page indexing robots.


XHTML is extensible:

The XHTML will allow you to incorporate another tag language, such as SVG, MathML or XSLT, ... within the XHTML document as long as a DTD (Document Type Definition) that defines the language is introduced at document and the browser is able to process it.

Size : 69.811 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 281
Created: 2018-09-26

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