Acceptance Test Driven Development with React

Download free course Acceptance Test Driven Development with React, pdf file on 182 pages by Leanpub.
This book describes how to apply the Acceptance Test Driven Development when developing a Web Application named bookish with React / Redux and other tools in react ecosystem. It also introduces best practices and design patterns in detail about how to write clean code.

Using ATDD to build a React Application from scratch. During the development process, a reader not only can learn all the mainstream React stack technologies like React / React-router / Redux, but also learn how to write clean code, and write it in a way that enables higher code quality. Additionally, in this book, there are a lot of best practices and design patterns are described in detail to write more maintainable and reusable React components.

Table of contents

  • A very brief history of Test Driven Development
  • Get started with Jest
  • Test Driven Design 101
  • Project setup
  • Implement the Book List
  • Implement the Book Detail
  • Searching by keyword
  • Introduce the state management
  • The Reviews of a book
  • Behavior Driven Development
  • Design the state shape of your application
Pages : 182
Size : 9.2 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 148
Created: 2022-02-01
License: CC BY
Author(s): Leanpub
Acceptance Test Driven Development with React

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