Download free PHP course

With this PDF tutorial you will learn the basics of PHP ,understand the working model of PHP to begin coding your own projects and scripts.Free courses under 95 pages designated to beginners.

Table of contents

  • PHP - What is it? 
  • PHP - What's it do? 
  • What You Should Know 
  • Syntax of PHP
  • How to Save Your PHP Pages 
  • Example Simple HTML & PHP Page 
  • PHP and HTML Code
  • Variables
  • A Quick Variable Example 
  • Outputting a String
  • Echoing Variables and Text Strings
  • String Creation
  • String Creation Single Quotes 
  • String Creation Double-Quotes 
  • Assignment Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators 
  • Comparison Operators 
  • Combination Arithmetic & Assignment Operators
  • Using Comments in PHP 
  • The Include Function
  • The If Statement
  • If/Else Conditional Statment 
  • PHP Switch Statement 
  • Creating Your First PHP Function
  • Simple While Loop Example 
  • GET and POST in PHP
Size : 1,093.60 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 12629
Created: 2015-12-30

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