Vue.js tutorial in PDF

Table of contents

  • About
  • Getting started with Vue.js
  • Remarks
  • Versions
  • Examples
  • "Hello, World!" Program
  • Simple Example
  • HTML template
  • JavaScript
  • Hello World in Vue 2 (The JSX way)
  • Handling User Input
  • Components
  • Remarks
  • Examples
  • Component scoped (not global)
  • HTML
  • JS
  • What are components and how to define components?
  • Local registration of components
  • Inline registration
  • Data registration in components
  • Events
  • Computed Properties
  • Remarks
  • Data vs Computed Properties
  • Examples
  • Basic Example
  • Computed properties vs watch
  • Computed Setters
  • Using computed setters for v-model
  • Components
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Custom Directives
  • Data Binding
  • Event Bus
  • Lifecycle Hooks
  • Mixins
  • Plugins
  • Props
  • The array change detection caveats
  • Vue single file components
  • vue-router
  • Watchers

It is a free Vue.js ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Vue.js developers and contributors.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA

Size : 1.15MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 668
Created: 2019-05-02

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