Ruby Kung Fu (RubyFu) Tutorial

Looking for a comprehensive guide to hacking using the Ruby programming language? Look no further than RubyFu, a free 281-page PDF download by RuFu.

This unique reference is packed with ideas, tricks, and skills that are sure to be useful for hackers of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, RubyFu is designed to help you achieve your hacking goals quickly and efficiently.

Featuring plug-and-hack code and insights drawn from extensive research and experience, RubyFu is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to take their hacking skills to the next level.

While this book is ideally suited for experienced hackers with a solid grounding in Ruby, it also offers valuable insights for anyone interested in the intersection of programming and security. Whether you're looking to read or run the code, RubyFu is the ultimate guide to using Ruby to go beyond the limits of what's possible.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Basic Ruby Kung Fu
  • System Kung Fu
  • Network Kung Fu
  • Web Kung Fu
  • Exploitation Kung Fu
  • Forensic Kung Fu

What's a Ruby Kung Fu

Ruby Kung Fu refers to advanced techniques and tricks in the Ruby programming language that can help programmers accomplish tasks more efficiently and creatively. It involves a deep understanding of the language, its syntax, libraries, and tools, as well as experience and creativity in using them to solve complex problems. In other words, Ruby Kung Fu is about mastering the art of programming with Ruby, and using its power and flexibility to create elegant and effective solutions to challenging problems.

About this tutorial

This is a comprehensive tutorial that covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques.

In this tutorial, you'll learn Basic Ruby Kung Fu, which includes tips and tricks for working with variables, operators, and control structures. You'll also learn about System Kung Fu, which covers system-level programming techniques, including file handling, process management, and shell scripting.

Next up is Network Kung Fu, where you'll learn how to build networking applications and take advantage of Ruby's built-in networking libraries. From there, you'll dive into Web Kung Fu, which includes topics such as web scraping, web services, and building web applications with Ruby on Rails.

For those interested in security and exploitation, there's Exploitation Kung Fu, which covers topics such as fuzzing, buffer overflows, and code injection. And for those interested in digital forensics, there's Forensic Kung Fu, which covers techniques for analyzing and recovering data from digital devices.

Whether you're new to Ruby or a seasoned pro, Ruby Kung Fu is the ultimate guide to mastering this powerful programming language. So if you're ready to take your Ruby skills to the next level, grab a copy of Ruby Kung Fu and get started today!

Pages : 281
Size : 3.5 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 99
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): RuFu
Ruby Kung Fu (RubyFu) Tutorial

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