Ruby Regexp

Download free course Ruby Regexp, pdf file on 72 pages by Sundeep Agarwal.
Scripting and automation tasks often need to extract particular portions of text from input data or modify them from one format to another.

This book will help you learn Ruby Regular Expressions, a mini-programming language for all sorts of text processing needs.

The book heavily leans on examples to present features of regular expressions one by one. It is recommended that you manually type each example and experiment with them.

You should have prior experience working with Ruby, should know concepts like blocks, string formats, string methods, Enumerable, etc.

Table of contents

  • Why is it needed?
  • Regexp literal and operators
  • Anchors
  • Alternation and Grouping
  • Escaping metacharacters
  • Dot metacharacter and Quantifiers
  • Working with matched portions
  • Character class
  • Groupings and backreferences
  • Lookarounds
  • Modifiers
  • String Encoding
  • Miscellaneous
  • Gotchas
Pages : 72
Size : 0.5 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 105
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Sundeep Agarwal
Ruby Regexp

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