Practices of the Python Pro

Download free course Practices of the Python Pro, pdf file on 248 pages by Dane Hillard.
Professional developers know the many benefits of writing application code that's clean, well-organized, and easy to maintain. By learning and following established patterns and best practices, you can take your code and your career to a new level.

With Practices of the Python Pro, you'll learn to design professional-level, clean, easily maintainable software at scale using the incredibly popular programming language, Python. You'll find easy-to-grok examples that use pseudocode and Python to introduce software development best practices, along with dozens of instantly useful techniques that will help you code like a pro.

Professional-quality code does more than just run without bugs. It's clean, readable, and easy to maintain. To step up from a capable Python coder to a professional developer, you need to learn industry standards for coding style, application design, and development process. That's where this book is indispensable.

Practices of the Python Pro teaches you to design and write professional-quality software that's understandable, maintainable, and extensible. Dane Hillard is a Python pro who has helped many dozens of developers make this step, and he knows what it takes. With helpful examples and exercises, he teaches you when, why, and how to modularize your code, how to improve quality by reducing complexity, and much more. Embrace these core principles, and your code will become easier for you and others to read, maintain, and reuse.

Table of contents

  • The bigger picture
  • Separation of concerns
  • Abstraction and encapsulation
  • Designing for high performance
  • Testing your software
  • Separation of concerns in practice
  • Extensibility and flexibility
  • The rules (and exceptions) of inheritance
  • Keeping things lightweight
  • AChapterieving loose coupling
  • Onward and upward
Pages : 248
Size :
File type : PDF
Downloads: 326
Created: 2022-02-03
License: All rights reserved
Author(s): Dane Hillard
Practices of the Python Pro

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