RESTful Web Services

With this tutorial you will learn how to build a Web Services with REST protocol ,a free training document material under 148 pages by  John Cowan.

Table of contents

  • Uniform Resource Identifier
  • Web Services
  • What's a Web Service?
  • What's REST?
  • REST style
  • XML
  • The killer argument
  • Distributed Systems
  • Transfer of state
  • What about
  • Why not just use plain HTML?
  • Clarifying 'state'
  • REST and HTTP
  • Other protocols
  • Asynchronous operations
  • A few simple tests of RESTfulness
  • SOAP
  • Cleaning up
  • RESTafarian email
  • Related architectures
  • Final thoughts
  • REST and RPC
Size : 245.45 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 229
Created: 2016-06-22

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