Learn BlackBerry 10 App Development

Learn how to leverage the BlackBerry 10 Cascades framework to create rich native applications. Learn BlackBerry 10 App Development gives you a solid foundation for creating BlackBerry 10 apps efficiently. Along the way, you will learn how to use QML and JavaScript for designing your app's UI, and C++/Qt for the application logic. No prior knowledge of C++ is assumed and the book covers the fundamental aspects of the language for writing BlackBerry 10 apps. Also a particular emphasis is put on how to create a visually enticing user experience with the Cascades framework, which is based on Qt and QML.
Download free tutorial in PDF (356 pages) created by Anwar Ludin .
Pages : 356
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File type : PDF
Downloads: 65
Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Author(s): Anwar Ludin
Learn BlackBerry 10 App Development

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