Ruby On Rails Programming Tutorial

Download free Ruby On Rails tutorial course in PDF, training file in 73 chapters and 231 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.

Table of contents

  • About
  • Getting started with Ruby on Rails
  • Creating a Ruby on Rails Application
  • Create a new Rails app with your choice of database and including the RSpec Testing Tool
  • Generating A Controller
  • Installing Rails
  • Create a new Rails app with a non-standard database adapter
  • Creating Rails APIs in JSON
  • Generate a Resource with Sca?olds
  • Routing
  • Resource Routing (Basic)
  • Constraints
  • Scoping routes
  • Concerns
  • Root route
  • Split routes into multiple ?les
  • Additional RESTful actions
  • Member and Collection Routes
  • Mount another application
  • Nested Routes
  • Redirection
  • Redirects and Wildcard Routes
  • Scope available locales
  • URL params with a period
  • ActiveRecord
  • Creating a Model via generator
  • Introduction to Callbacks
  • Creating a Model manually
  • Manually Testing Your Models
  • Creating A Migration
  • Create a Join Table using Migrations
  • Using a model instance to update a row
  • Views
  • Structure
  • Partials
  • AssetTagHelper
  • Replace HTML code in Views
  • HAML - an alternative way to use in your views
  • ActiveRecord Migrations
  • Adding multiple columns to a table
  • Add a reference column to a table
  • Rollback migrations
  • Add a new column with an index
  • Run speci?c migration
  • Redo migrations
  • Add a new column to a table
  • Routing
  • Views
  • Rails Best Practices
  • ActionCable
  • User Authentication in Rails
  • ActiveRecord Validations
  • ActionMailer
  • Configuration
  • Using GoogleMaps with Rails
  • Caching
  • Configuration
  • Rails 5
  • Mongoid
  • Change default timezone
  • Upgrading Rails
  • Debugging
  • Rails logger
  • Rails API
  • ActiveSupport
  • ActiveRecord Transactions
  • Decorator pattern
  • React with Rails using react-rails gem
  • Multipurpose ActiveRecord columns
  • Shallow Routing
  • Rails 5 API Authetication
  • Active Jobs
  • Nested form in Ruby on Rails
  • Import whole CSV files from specific folder
  • ActiveJob
  • Rails Engine - Modular Rails
  • ActiveRecord Transactions
  • Turbolinks
  • Friendly ID
  • Securely storing authentication keys
  • Authenticate Api using Devise
  • Integrating React.js with Rails Using Hyperloop
  • Change a default Rails application enviornment
  • Rails -Engines
  • Adding an Amazon RDS to your rails application
  • Payment feature in rails
  • Rails on docker
  • Reserved Words

It is a free Ruby On Rails ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Ruby On Rails developers and contributors.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA

Size : 2.06 MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 610
Created: 2019-04-30

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