R Language tutorial, The Basic Maniuplation

The purpose of this course is to provide a starting point for Interested in R language. It is useful For the beginner to assimilate certain notions and concepts in  order to improve their knowledge.

Free training document about R language designated to beginners.

Table of contents

  • Where did R come from?
  • Primitive Data Types in R
  • Overview
  • Atomic Vectors
  • Subsetting Vectors
  • Higher-order data types (slightly)
  • Programming with Data Began with S
  • S Becomes Software
  • R is Infinitely Expandable
  • Bioconductor is a Set of Packages
  • Fundamental Data Objects
  • Atomic Data Elements
  • Creating Vectors
  • Learning R Syntax
  • accessing attributes
  • Vector Names
  • Vector Arithmetic
  • Basic operations on numeric vectors
  • Generating regular sequences
  • Generating regular sequences
  • Logical Vectors
  • Logical Comparisons
  • Missing Values
  • Extracting Subsequences of a Vector
  • Subsetting with Positive Integral Sequences
  • Subsetting with Logical Vector
  • Subsetting by Names
  • Factors Represent Categorical Data
  • List Length and Components
  • List Subsetting Example
Size : 615.08 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 132
Created: 2017-02-20

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Introduction to language R

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