Kotlin tutorial for professionals

Download free Kotlin tutorial course in PDF, training file in 38 chapters and 94 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.

Table of contents

  • About
  • Getting started with Kotlin
  • Hello World
  • Hello World using a Companion Object
  • Hello World using an Object Declaration
  • Main methods using varargs
  • Compile and Run Kotlin Code in Command Line
  • Reading input from Command Line
  • Basics of Kotlin
  • Basic examples
  • Strings
  • String Equality
  • String Literals
  • Elements of String
  • String Templates
  • Arrays
  • Generic Arrays
  • Arrays of Primitives
  • Create an array
  • Create an array using a closure
  • Create an uninitialized array
  • Extensions
  • Iterate Array
  • Collections
  • Using list
  • Using map
  • Using set
  • Enum
  • Initialization
  • Functions and Properties in enums
  • Simple enum
  • Mutability
  • Functions
  • Function References
  • Basic Functions
  • Inline Functions
  • Lambda Functions
  • Operator functions
  • Functions Taking Other Functions
  • Shorthand Functions
  • Vararg Parameters in Functions
  • Basics: Using the vararg keyword
  • Spread Operator: Passing arrays into vararg functions
  • Conditional Statements
  • When-statement argument matching
  • When-statement as expression
  • Basics of Kotlin
  • Arrays
  • Enum
  • Vararg Parameters in Functions
  • Loops in Kotlin
  • Regex
  • Null Safety
  • Class Inheritance
  • Generics
  • Singleton objects
  • Annotations
  • Type-Safe Builders
  • Reflection
  • DSL Building
  • RecyclerView in Kotlin
  • Exceptions
  • Kotlin Android Extensions
  • Java 8 Stream Equivalents
  • Configuring Kotlin build

It is a free Kotlin ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Kotlin developers and contributors.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA

Size : 1.05 MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 374
Created: 2019-04-30

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