Exploring .NET Core

Download free course Exploring .NET Core, pdf file on 155 pages by Dustin Metzgar.
Windows developers have always enjoyed the productivity boost you get with the .NET platform, tools like Entity Framework and ASP.NET, and the amazingly-powerful C# language. Now, .NET Core extends those same benefits to Linux-based systems, offering a true cross-platform solution for enterprise application development. The .NET Core tools, including Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core, are lightweight and modular, and they offer similar performance to native Linux and JVM-based frameworks without requiring you to learn a new toolset or rebuild your applications. In a world where platform lock-in is an unpardonable sin, .NET Core offers a perfect pathway to the cloud-based, distributed environments that rule the day.

Exploring .NET Core with Microservices, ASP.NET Core, and Entity Framework Core is a collection of five hand-picked chapters introducing you to the art of applying modern development practices and patterns to your .NET Core projects. In it, you'll get a quick overview of what ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core offer, along with an introduction to microservices and web applications using .NET Core tooling. You'll also get some tips on working with legacy code in this new environment. In short, this free eBook will get your feet wet and show you real-world examples that illustrate what's possible.

Table of contents

  • Refactoring
  • Identifying and Scoping Microservices
  • Creating and Communicating with Web Services
  • Creating Web Pages with MVC Controllers
  • Querying the Database
Pages : 155
Size : 11.0 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 93
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY
Author(s): Dustin Metzgar
Exploring .NET Core

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