Designing Scalable JavaScript Applications

Download free course Designing Scalable JavaScript Applications, pdf file on 134 pages by Emmit Scott.
If you've ever written a non-trivial JavaScript application, you know that creating a code base that's easy to maintain and scales well over time is no small feat. The complexity only grows as the project becomes larger. While it's impossible to plan for every change that could possibly happen over the life of a project, you can help future-proof your front-end architecture by designing software that's pliable and easily extended. Well-designed, extensible architecture can help reduce development and maintenance costs, as bug fixes, enhancements, and new technologies can be incorporated more easily.

Designing Scalable JavaScript Applications helps you start thinking about which tools and frameworks you'll use and which design patterns you'll implement. This book brings together excerpts from four different Manning titles selected by Emmit Scott, the author of SPA Design and Architecture. These chapters are great starting points for understanding how to build better JavaScript applications. They introduce some fundamental concepts for creating clean, loosely coupled code, and show you how to make your development process more productive and efficient.

Table of contents

  • The role of MV* frameworks
  • Embracing modularity and dependency management
  • Dealing with collections
  • Getting started with Gulp
Pages : 134
Size : 5.6 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 52
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY
Author(s): Emmit Scott
Designing Scalable JavaScript Applications

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