Introduction to Visual Cobol and Cobol for .NET

This PDF tutorial teachs you how to build your first application with Visual Cobol ,it provides an introduction to Visual COBOL and the COBOL for .NET language. It shows some basic features of COBOL for .NET,free training document under 30 pages for beginners.

Table of contents

  • Introduction to Visual Studio
  • Starting Visual COBOL
  • Projects and Solutions
  • Console Application
  • Creating a Console Application
  • Building first Application with Visual Studio
  • A First Graphical Application
  • Adding a components (label Control,button,box control,..)
  • Adding a Click Event Handler
  • Introduction to  Visual COBOL Debugging
  • Building and executing with Debug
  • Classes and methodes
  • Startup Object
Size : 645.47 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 549
Created: 2016-01-04

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