Perl and LWP - Fetching web pages, Parsing HTML, Writing Spiders, & More

Perl soared to popularity as a language for creating and managing web content, but with LWP (Library for WWW in Perl), Perl is equally adept at consuming information on the Web. LWP is a suite of modules for fetching and processing web pages.

This book sets out to unwrap the Library for the Web in Perl (LWP), which is a collection of modules that make it easier to access and pick apart Web pages (and FTP-accessible files, and outgoing e-mail messages) from within your Perl programs.

Pages : : 264 pages
Size : HTML
File type : pdf
Downloads: 12
Created: 2020-08-30
License: CreativeCommons Attribution Share-Alike License
Author(s): Sean M. Burke
Perl and LWP - Fetching web pages, Parsing HTML, Writing Spiders, & More

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