The Boost C++ Libraries

This book is an introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries. The Boost C++ Libraries complement the C++ standard and add many practical tools that can be of use to any C++ developer and in any C++ project. Because the Boost C++ Libraries are based on the C++ standard, they are implemented using state-of-the-art C++. They are platform independent and are supported on many operating systems, including Windows and Linux, by a large developer community.

The Boost C++ Libraries enable you to boost your productivity as a C++ developer. For example, you can benefit from smart pointers that help you to write more reliable code or use one of the many libraries to develop platform independent network applications. Since many Boost C++ Libraries will be incorporated into the next version of the C++ standard, you can prepare yourself starting today.

Pages : 262 pages
Size : HTML, PDF files
File type : pdf
Downloads: 111
Created: 2020-08-30
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Author(s): Boris Schaling
The Boost C++ Libraries

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