Visual Basic .NET Programming Tutorial

Download free Visual Basic tutorial course in PDF, training file in 51 chapters and 149 pages. Free unaffiliated ebook created from Stack OverFlow contributor.

Table of contents

  • About
  • Getting started with Visual Basic NET Language
  • Hello World
  • Hello World on a Textbox upon Clicking of a Button
  • Region
  • Creating a simple Calculator to get familiar with the interface and code
  • Declaring variables
  • Declaring and assigning a variable using a primitive type
  • Levels of declaration – Local and Member variables
  • Example of Access Modi?ers
  • Introduction to Syntax
  • Intellisense Helper
  • Declaring a Variable
  • Comments
  • Modi?ers
  • Object Initializers
  • Collection Initializer
  • Writing a function
  • Operators
  • String Concatenation
  • Math
  • Assignment
  • Comparison
  • Bitwise
  • Conditions
  • If operator
  • IFThenElse
  • Short-Circuiting Operators (AndAlso - OrElse)
  • OrElse Usage
  • AndAlso Usage
  • Avoiding NullReferenceException
  • Date
  • Converting (Parsing) a String to a Date
  • Converting a Date To A String
  • Array
  • Array de?nition
  • Null Array Variables
  • Array initialization
  • Declare a single-dimension array and set array element values
  • Jagged Array Initialization
  • Non-zero lower bounds
  • Referencing Same Array from Two Variables
  • Multidimensional Array initialization
  • Lists
  • Add items to a List
  • Check if item exists in a List
  • Declaring variables
  • Operators
  • Short-Circuiting Operators (AndAlso - OrElse)
  • Array
  • Enum
  • Looping
  • File/Folder Compression
  • Data Access
  • ByVal and ByRef keywords
  • Functions
  • Random
  • Generics
  • NullReferenceException
  • Option Strict
  • Option Infer
  • OOP Keywords
  • Reflection
  • LINQ
  • Working with Windows Forms
  • GDI+
  • Using axWindowsMediaPlayer in VB.Net
  • Reading compressed textfile on-the-fly
  • Multithreading
  • Using BackgroundWorker
  • Debugging your application

It is a free Visual Basic ebook created for beginners. The content is extracted from Stack Overflow pltaform, which is written by many Visual Basic developers and contributors.

The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA

Size : 2.21 MB
File type : pdf
Downloads: 432
Created: 2019-04-30

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