Pro TBB: C++ Parallel Programming with Threading Building Blocks

This book is a modern guide for all C++ programmers to learn Threading Building Blocks (TBB). Written by TBB and parallel programming experts, this book reflects their collective decades of experience in developing and teaching parallel programming with TBB, offering their insights in an approachable manner. Throughout the book the authors present numerous examples and best practices to help you become an effective TBB programmer and leverage the power of parallel systems.

starts with the basics, explaining parallel algorithms and C++'s built-in standard template library for parallelism. You'll learn the key concepts of managing memory, working with data structures and how to handle typical issues with synchronization. Later chapters apply these ideas to complex systems to explain performance tradeoffs, mapping common parallel patterns, controlling threads and overhead, and extending TBB to program heterogeneous systems or system-on-chips.

Pages : 754 pages
Size : PDF and ePub
File type : pdf
Downloads: 61
Created: 2020-08-30
License: CC BY 4.0
Author(s): Michael Voss, Rafael Asenjo, James Reinders
Pro TBB: C++ Parallel Programming with Threading Building Blocks

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