Optimizing software in C++

Download free course Optimizing software in C++, pdf file on 176 pages by Agner Fog.
This is an optimization manual for advanced C++ programmers. This book are not for beginners.

Topics include:
- The choice of platform and operating system.
- Choice of compiler and framework.
- Finding performance bottlenecks.
- The efficiency of different C++ constructs.
- Multi-core systems.
- Parallelization with vector operations.
- CPU dispatching. Efficient container class templates.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Choosing the optimal platform
  • Finding the biggest time consumers
  • Performance and usability
  • Choosing the optimal algorithm
  • Development process
  • The efficiency of different C++ constructs
  • Optimizations in the compiler
  • Optimizing memory access
  • Multithreading
  • Out of order execution
  • Using vector operations
  • Making critical code in multiple versions for different instruction sets
  • Specific optimization topics
  • Metaprogramming
  • Testing speed
  • Optimization in embedded systems
  • Overview of compiler options
Pages : 176
Size : 3.0 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 93
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-SA
Author(s): Agner Fog
Optimizing software in C++

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