Adobe Photoshop CS Tips and Tricks from the Experts Tutorial

 Learn how to use Photoshop like an expert in photography, graphic design, make a video, Web design and animation, tips, and tricks for all level-users.

Table of Contents

  • F-stop corrections
  • Create an f-stop correction layer.
  • Apply a global f-stop correction
  • Add a Layer Mask
  • Constrain the correction
  • Experiment
  • Creating Metallic Type
  • Create a new file
  • Add a gradient
  • Add type
  • Warp text
  • Create a path
  • Add drop shadow
  • Add bevel and emboss
  • Smoke
  • Draw and distort a line
  • Refine the effect
  • Build up a more complex effect
  • Reposition the elements
  • Create a halo
  • Import the effect into a new destination
  • Creating the Magical Mirror Effect
  • Start with a vision
  • Open the Canvas Size dialog box
  • Increase Canvas Size
  • Create a flipped image of your original
  • Creative Photo Cropping
  • Scan a high contrast image
  • Add a layer mask
  • Paste the image into mask
  • Adjust the mask
  • Lightblast!
  • Position the logo
  • Duplicate the logo layer
  • Color it
  • Total Contrast Control Using Two Images
  • Combine the 2 images and crop
  • Make a Layer Mask and paste the background layer into it
  • Make a new window
  • Adjust the mask contrast with curves
  • Digital Light Painting
  • Darken the image
  • Paint the layer mask
  • Woodcuts
  • Change the Blend Mode
  • Photo Filters to the Rescue
  • Gif Animation: Swipe Effect
  • Create a layer set
  • Working with Lens Blur
  • Looking Through a Glass
  • Rain Drops
Size : 1,811.13 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 4421
Created: 2017-08-06

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