Agile Development for Serverless Platforms

You need more than great dev tools to release great software; you need an efficient pipeline that takes advantage of modern Agile development practices. Serverless platforms like AWS offer the basic building blocks you need to run code, store data, or process streaming information so you can focus on the features you want to provide, not get bogged down with the infrastructure. Combined with an agile process, serverless architectures help create a quick feedback loop between developers, end users, and businesses, allowing for the quick prototyping and easy production roll-out you need to innovate and react on the fly. Agile Development for Serverless Platforms helps you start thinking about how to apply Agile practices in fully serverless architectures. This book brings together excerpts from four Manning books selected by Danilo Poccia, the author of AWS Lambda in Action. These chapters are a fantastic way to lay the foundations for understanding the world of agile development on serverless architecture. With concepts from working with APIs, serverless development patterns, designing an authentication system, and more, you'll see just how to tackle this new way to develop efficiently and effectively.
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Pages : 124
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Created: 2021-05-15
License: Free
Agile Development for Serverless Platforms

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