Introduction to Computers and Programming

Welcome to the world of computer programming! In this book, you will learn the essential concepts of programming using Python language. Before we dive into the core topics, it is crucial to grasp some fundamental knowledge about computers and their functioning. This chapter is dedicated to building a strong foundation of computer science that will assist you throughout your journey. To begin with, we will explore the physical components that constitute a computer system. After that, we will delve into how computers store data and run programs. Lastly, we will introduce you to the software tools that you will use to write Python programs.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Hardware and Software
  • The CPU
  • Main Memory
  • Secondary Storage Devices
  • Input Devices
  • Output Devices
  • Software
  • System Software
  • Application Software
  • How Computers Store Data
  • How a Program Works
  • Using Python
Size : 3957.018 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 541
Created: 2019-08-26
Introduction to Computers and Programming

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