Tutorial Cryptography with ARC4 in PDF

cryptography: study and design of the processes of information encryption

cryptanalysis: analysis of encrypted texts to find the concealed information

Download PDF tutorial about ARC4 stream cipher algorithm, and how to use it in a very simple application on the nRF24L01


  • What the Heck Is ARC4? 
  • The ARC4 Algorithm in Pseudocode
  • The Ins and Outs
  • The Hardware I Used for this Tutorial
  • Tutorial Software Description/Requirements
  • Arc4.h and .c 
  • Local Main File: maintutorial4local.c
  • Remote Main File: maintutorial4remote.c 
  • Actual Program Output 
  • Concluding Remarks 
Size : 51.86 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 188
Created: 2018-04-01

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