Front-end Developer Handbook

Download free course Front-end Developer Handbook, pdf file on 145 pages by Cody Lindley.
This is a guide that everyone can use to learn about the practice of front-end development. It broadly outlines and discusses the practice of front-end engineering: how to learn it and what tools are used when practicing.

It is specifically written with the intention of being a professional resource for potential and currently practicing front-end developers to equip themselves with learning materials and development tools. Secondarily, it can be used by managers, CTOs, instructors, and head hunters to gain insights into the practice of front-end development.The content of the handbook favors web technologies (HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript) and those solutions that are directly built on top of these open technologies. The materials referenced and discussed in the book are either best in class or the current offering to a problem.

Table of contents

  • What Is a Front-end Developer?
  • The Practice of Front-end Development: Overview
  • Learning Front-end Dev: Self Directed Resources/Recommendations
  • Learning Front-end Dev: Instructor Directed
  • Front-end Dev Tools
  • Front-end Communities, Newsletters, News Sites, & Podcasts
Pages : 145
Size : 6.2 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 137
Created: 2022-02-02
License: Open Publication License
Author(s): Cody Lindley
Front-end Developer Handbook

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