Fundamentals of Azure

Download free course Fundamentals of Azure, pdf file on 263 pages by Michael Collier, Robin Shahan.
Microsoft Azure is Microsoft's cloud computing platform, providing a wide variety of services you can use without purchasing and provisioning your own hardware. Azure enables the rapid development of solutions and provides the resources to accomplish tasks that may not be feasible in an on-premises environment. Azure's compute, storage, network, and application services allow you to focus on building great solutions without the need to worry about how the physical infrastructure is assembled.

This book covers the fundamentals of Azure you need to start developing solutions right away. It concentrates on the features of the Azure platform that you are most likely to need to know rather than on every feature and service available on the platform. This book also provides several walkthroughs you can follow to learn how to create VMs and virtual networks, websites and storage accounts, and so on. In many cases, real-world tips are included to help you get the most out of your Azure experience.

In addition to its coverage of core Azure services, the book discusses common tools useful in creating and managing Azure-based solutions. The book wraps up by providing details on a few common business scenarios where Azure can provide compelling and valuable solutions, as well as a chapter providing overviews of some of the commonly used services not covered in the book.

Table of contents

  • Getting started with Microsoft Azure
  • Azure App Service and Web Apps
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure Virtual Networks
  • Databases
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Management tools
  • Additional Azure services
  • Business Cases
Pages : 263
Size : 8.9 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 51
Created: 2022-02-02
License: Microsoft Open
Author(s): Michael Collier, Robin Shahan
Fundamentals of Azure

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