Made With Creative Commons

Download free course Made With Creative Commons, pdf file on 176 pages by Paul Stacey, Sarah Hinchliff Pearson.
Made With Creative Commons is a book about sharing. It is about sharing textbooks, music, data, art, and more. People, organizations, and businesses all over the world are sharing their work using Creative Commons licenses because they want to encourage the public to reuse their works, to copy them, to modify them. They are Made with Creative Commons.

But if they are giving their work away to the public for free, how do they make money?

This is the question this book sets out to answer. There are 24 in-depth examples of different ways to sustain what you do when you share your work. And there are lessons, about how to make money but also about what sharing really looks like - why we do it and what it can bring to the economy and the world. Full of practical advice and inspiring stories, Made with Creative Commons is a book that will show you what it really means to share.

Table of contents

  • The Big Picture
  • The New World of Digital Commons by Paul Stacey
  • How to Be Made with Creative Commons by Sarah Hinchliff Pearson
  • The Creative Commons Licenses
  • The Case Studies
Pages : 176
Size : 5.2 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 53
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-SA
Author(s): Paul Stacey, Sarah Hinchliff Pearson
Made With Creative Commons

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