Developing Reactive Microservices: Enterprise Implementation in Java

With microservices taking the software industry by storm, traditional enterprises running large, monolithic Java EE applications have been forced to rethink what they’ve been doing for nearly two decades. But how can microservices built upon reactive principles make a difference?

In this book, author walks Java developers through the creation of a complete reactive microservices-based system. You'll learn that while microservices are not new, the way in which these independent services can be distributed and connected back together certainly is. The result? A system that's easier to deploy, manage, and scale than a typical Java EE-based infrastructure.

Pages : /Paperback N/A
Size : PDF, ePb, Mobi (Kindle)
File type : pdf
Downloads: 130
Created: 2020-08-28
License: Apache License
Author(s): Markus Eisele
Developing Reactive Microservices: Enterprise Implementation in Java

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