Cryptography and Network security

Download Cryptography and network security PDF tutorial by Chandraskhar Rao intended to for Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.

Table of contents

  • Computer Security
  • Network Security
  • Internet Security
  • Security Attacks, Services and Mechanisms
  • Basic Concepts
  • Type of operations used for transforming plain text to cipher text
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Security services
  • Security mechanisms
  • Security attacks
  • Interception
  • Modification
  • Cryptographic Attacks
  • Passive Attacks
  • Release of message contents
  • Active attacks
  • Symmetric and public key algorithms
  • Certificate Subject and Issuer Attributes 
  • Certification Path Constraints 
  • Confidentiality and authentication
  • Segmentation and reassembly
  • Cryptographic keys and key rings
  • Decrypting the message
  • Authenticating the message
Size : 320.34 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 947
Created: 2018-04-01

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