Lisp Hackers

Download free course Lisp Hackers, pdf file on 77 pages by Vsevolod Dyomkin.
This book is a collection of short interviews with 14 prominent individuals from different parts of the world, from Australia to Canada, and of different occupations, from low-level programmers to physicists and musicians, asking them a more-or-less similar set of questions on the following topics: their general attitude to programming, attitude towards and experience with Lisp, stories of real-world Lisp projects.

Overall, this should give an insight into why people use Lisp, as well as help the readers gain some new experience and improve as programmers.

Table of contents

  • A Short Intro
  • A Few Quotes
  • Zach Beane (USA)
  • Edi Weitz (Germany)
  • Slava Akhmechet (USA)
  • Pascal Costanza (Germany - Belgium)
  • Peter Seibel (USA)
  • Marijn Haverbeke (Netherlands - Germany)
  • François-René (Faré) Rideau (France - USA)
  • Daniel Barlow (UK)
  • Christophe Rhodes (UK)
  • Luke Gorrie (Australia - Sweeden - Switzerland)
  • Juan José García Ripoll (Spain)
  • John Fremlin (USA)
  • Vladimir Sedach (Russia - Canada - USA)
  • Marc Battyani (France - USA)
  • Afterword
Pages : 77
Size : 1.5 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 89
Created: 2022-02-03
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Vsevolod Dyomkin
Lisp Hackers

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