How To Code in Go

Download free course How To Code in Go, pdf file on 447 pages by Mark Bates, Cory LaNou, Tim Raymond.
This book is designed to introduce you to writing programs with the Go programming language. You'll learn how to write useful tools and applications that can run on remote servers, or local Windows, macOS, and Linux systems for development.

The topics that it covers include how to:
- Install and set up a local Go development environment on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems;
- Design your programs with conditional logic, including switch statements to control program flow;
- Define your own data structures and create interfaces to them for reusable code;
- Write custom error handling functions;
- Building and installing your Go programs so that they can run on different operating systems and different CPU architectures;
- Using flags to pass arguments to your programs, to override default options.

Each chapter can be read on its own or used as a reference, or you can follow the chapters from beginning to end. Feel free to jump to the chapter or chapters that best suits your purpose as you are learning Go with this book.

Table of contents

  • How To Install Go and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on Ubuntu 18.04
  • How To Install Go and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on macOS
  • How To Install Go and Set Up a Local Programming Environment on Windows 10
  • How To Write Your First Program in Go
  • Understanding the GOPATH
  • How To Write Comments in Go
  • Understanding Data Types in Go
  • An Introduction to Working with Strings in Go
  • How To Format Strings in Go
  • An Introduction to the Strings Package in Go
  • How To Use Variables and Constants in Go
  • How To Convert Data Types in Go
  • How To Do Math in Go with Operators
  • Understanding Boolean Logic in Go
  • Understanding Maps in Go
  • Understanding Arrays and Slices in Go
  • Handling Errors in Go
  • Creating Custom Errors in Go
  • Handling Panics in Go
  • Importing Packages in Go
  • How To Write Packages in Go
  • Understanding Package Visibility in Go
  • How To Write Conditional Statements in Go
  • How To Write Switch Statements in Go
  • How To Construct For Loops in Go
  • Using Break and Continue Statements When Working with Loops in Go
  • How To Define and Call Functions in Go
  • How To Use Variadic Functions in Go
  • Understanding defer in Go
  • Understanding init in Go
  • Customizing Go Binaries with Build Tags
  • Understanding Pointers in Go
  • Defining Structs in Go
  • Defining Methods in Go
  • How To Build and Install Go Programs
  • How To Use Struct Tags in Go
  • How To Use Interfaces in Go
  • Building Go Applications for Different Operating Systems and Architectures
  • Using ldflags to Set Version Information for Go Applications
  • How To Use the Flag Package in Go
Pages : 447
Size : 3.1 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 57
Created: 2022-02-02
License: CC BY-NC-SA
Author(s): Mark Bates, Cory LaNou, Tim Raymond
How To Code in Go

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