Azure Functions Succinctly

Download free course Azure Functions Succinctly, pdf file on 95 pages by by Ed Freitas.
Azure Functions is a new service available in Microsoft Azure to help developers run code on serverless architectures. In essence, Azure Functions is about events and code - developers write some code that will be executed upon some triggering event - but what sets Azure Functions apart is its simplicity. Developers can write just the code they need, without having to configure any supporting infrastructure. In Azure Functions Succinctly by Ed Freitas, you'll learn the basic applications of Azure Functions, how to create your first Azure function app, and how to work with different triggering events.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Fundamentals
  • Creating a Function App
  • Metadata, Blob, and Timer Triggers
  • Working with HTTP Triggers
Pages : 95
Size : 2.5 MB
File type : PDF
Downloads: 40
Created: 2022-02-01
License: For personal or educational use
Author(s): by Ed Freitas
Azure Functions Succinctly

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