Arduino : a quick guide

This tutorial is a quick guide about Arduino ,free pdf courses under 37 pages designed to beginners.You will learn how to interfacing a Joystick ,playing melody and reading Potentiometer with the microcontroller of Arduino technology.

Table of contents

  • History of Arduino project
  • Reading a Potentiometer
  • The first Arduino exemple 'Hello World'
  • Blinking an LED without using the delay() function
  • Pushbutton
  • Switch
  • Circuit
  • Code
  • Interfacing a Joystick
  • Knock Sensor
  • Representing the Knock in Processing
  • Memsic 2125 Accelerometer
  • PING range finder
  • Play Melody
  • Example 1: Play Melody
  • Keyboard Serial
  • LCD Display - 8 bits
  • Unipolar Stepper Motor
  • Example 1: Simple example
  • Example 2: Stepper Unipolar Advanced
  • References
Size : 1,570.39 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 323
Created: 2016-04-05

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