VBA Excel 2010, 2013 and 2016 Tutorial in PDF

This tutorial is for beginner Excel users who want to use the VBA programming language to develop basics applications in Excel 2010, 2013, or 2016.


Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Absolute and Relative References
  • Using Absolute References
  • Using Relative References
  • Editing a Macro
  • Repeating an Action
  • Using Variables
  • Running a Macro from a Toolbar Button or Control
  • Controls
  • Changing a Shortcut Key
  • Deleting a Macro
  • Saving an Excel Workbook with Macros
  • Setting Macro Security Levels


This dialog box allows you to choose a macro from the list. This list is made up of all the known procedures of Visual Basic either in all open workbooks, or in the workbook specified thanks to the drop-down list at the bottom of the BDi.
After selecting the macro, click on the Run button, you can see that your operations are repeated.


It is necessary to be able to examine what Excel has memorized according to the recorded actions. In particular, this examination is necessary if the execution of the macro does not produce the desired results: it is probably that a parasitic action has been recorded and it will be necessary to remove what represents it in the recording. Another reason to examine the macro as it is saved is to be able to modify it. Minor changes you may want to make come from the very process of registration:

suppose that, wanting to select the cell A3, you first select, after a hesitation, the cell A4; of course, you will correct and click on A3. But Excel will have recorded two selection operations and it will be advisable to delete the selection of A4. So a first reason for modification is to prune the macro from unnecessary operations.

Another, much more important, reason for modification is to change the behavior of the macro to make it more ergonomic, or to handle other aspects of the application.

Download VBA Excel 2013 Tutorial in PDF, free training document intended to beginner users on 10 pages.

Size : 421.674 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1984
Created: 2018-05-23

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