Free C++ tutorials in PDF


C ++ programming interests you but it seems too complicated?
This C ++ course is for beginners like you who have never programmed!

C ++ is one of the most famous languages in the world. Widely used, particularly in the video game industry, which appreciates its performance and its possibilities, C ++ is now essential for developers.

C ++ is the descendant of the C language. These two languages, although similar at first sight, are nevertheless different. C ++ offers new features, such as object-oriented programming (OOP). They make it a very powerful language that allows programming with a different approach to the C language.

In this course, we will also discover a library called Qt. It adds a very wide range of possibilities to C ++: it will allow us to create windows and menus, but also to use the network features of your computer!

What is C ++?

Are you passionate about computers and would you like to learn how to program? And why not, after all ! Programming may seem difficult at first, but it's a much more accessible universe than it seems!

You're probably wondering where to start, if C ++ is for you, if it's not better to start with another language. You wonder if you can do anything you want, what are the strengths and weaknesses of C ++ ...

In this chapter, I will attempt to answer all these questions.
Do not forget: it's a beginner's course. No prior knowledge is required. Even if you have never planned in your life, all you need to do is read this course gradually, without burning the steps and practicing regularly at the same time as me!

The programs

Programs are the basis of computer science. They are the ones that allow you to perform actions on your computer.

On the other hand, if you take this course, you will have a solid foundation for developing programs. During a TP, we will even realize our own (simplified) web browser like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome! You will be able to create programs with windows. With a little extra work, you can even create 2D and 3D games if you wish. In short, with time and perseverance, you can go far.

So yes, I do not forget your question: you wonder how to carry out programs. Programming is a very rich universe. Programming languages are used to explain to the computer what to do. Let's take a closer look at what programming languages are.

Software needed to program

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Now that we know a little more about C ++, if we started practicing to get to the heart of the matter?

Ah yes, it's true: you can not program until you have the right software! Indeed, it is necessary to install some specific software to program in C ++. In this chapter, we will put them in place and discover them together.

A little patience: from the next chapter, we can finally start to really program!

The tools needed by the programmer

So in your opinion, what tools does a programmer need?
If you have carefully followed the previous chapter, you must know at least one!

Do you see what I'm talking about ?

Yes, it is the compiler, this famous program that can translate your C ++ language into binary language!

There are several for the C ++ language. But we will see that the choice of the compiler will not be very complicated in our case.

Well, what else do we need?

I will not let you guess any longer. Here is the bare minimum for a programmer:

A text editor to write the source code of the program in C ++. In theory a software like Notepad under Windows or Linux vi makes the case. The ideal is to have a smart text editor that colors the code by itself, which allows you to find your way there much more easily. That's why no sane programmer uses Notepad.

A compiler to transform ("compile") your source code into binary.

A debugger ("Debugger" or "Debugeur" in French) to help you track errors in your program (we have unfortunately not yet invented the "corrector", a trick that would correct our mistakes alone).

A priori, if you are a daredevil of the extreme, you could do without debugging. But hey, I know for sure that 5 minutes later you would come back and ask me where you can find a debugger who works well.

From now on we have 2 possibilities:

Either we recover each of these 3 programs separately. This is the most complicated method, but it works. In Linux in particular, many programmers prefer to use these 3 programs separately. I will not detail this solution here, I will rather talk about the simple method.

Either we use a "3-in-1" program (yes, like dishwashing liquids) that combines text editor, compiler and debugger. These "3-in-1" programs are called IDE (or in French "EDI" for "Integrated Development Environment").

There are several development environments. At first you may have a hard time choosing the one you like. One thing is for sure: you can do any type of program, no matter which IDE you choose.

Programming Language C++
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Guide to C++ Programming
Description : This tutorial provides an introduction to C++ programming language in PDF. This guide will help you to learn how to write a simple computer programs in C++ with somes exercises.
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Practical C++ programming
Description : This tutorial is devoted to practical C++ programming. It teaches you the mechanics of the language, free training document under 549 designated to all level users.
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Introduction to C++ ,Pointers
Description : Here you will learn how to get started with pointers in C++, how to access to the variables and memory, and how to use the pointers and arrays.
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Basic OOP in C++
Description : Download C++ programming language courses about object-oriented programming (OOP), free training document in PDF by Eunsuk Kang and JeanYang.
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Creating Games in C++ : A Step-by-Step Guide
Description : Creating Games in C++ : A Step-by-Step Guide,this PDF tutorial teaches You How to Build A Real Game, a complete training course under 600 pages by David Conger and Ron Little.
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Structured programming with C++
Description : This C ++ course is for beginners who have never programmed. Complet and free PDF document about C++ programming.
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Learning C++
Description : Learn C ++ language step by step, complete PDF tutorial on 920 free download pages created by StackOverFlow.
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C++ Pointers and Memory
Description : This document explains how pointers and memory work and how to use them—from the basic concepts through all the major programming techniques. For each topic there is a combination of discussion, sample C code, and drawings.
Submitted On : 2019-05-03
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Computer Science Tapestry: Exploring Programming and Computer Science with C++
Description : This book is designed for a first course1 in computer science that uses C++ as the language by which programming is studied. My goal in writing the book has not been to cover the syntax of a large language like C++, but to leverage the best features of the language using sound practices of programming and pedagogy in the study of computer science and software design. My intent is that mastering the material presented here will provide: A strong grounding in the analysis, construction, and design of programs and programming. A means for honing problem-solving skills associated with the study of computer programming and a taste of both the science and engineering aspects of programming. An introduction to computer science that gives the student more of an idea of what the discipline is about than most introductory programming texts.
Submitted On : 2020-08-28
File type : pdf
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C++ Core Guidelines
Description : The aim of the guidelines is to help people to use modern C++ effectively. By "modern C++" we mean C++11, C++14, and C++17. In other words, what would you like your code to look like in 5 years' time, given that you can start now? In 10 years' time?
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File type : pdf
Downloads : 95
C++ Notes for Professionals
Description : The C++ Notes for Professionals book is compiled from Stack Overflow Documentation. Text content is released under , the content is written by the beautiful people at Stack Overflow. Text content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA. See credits at the end of this book whom contributed to the various chapters. Images may be copyright of their respective owners unless otherwise specified
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File type : pdf
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How To Think Like A Computer Scientist: C++ Version
Description : The goal of this book is to teach you to think like a computer scientist, using C++ as the programming language.
Submitted On : 2020-08-29
File type : pdf
Downloads : 103
Programming Fundamentals: A Modular Structured Approach Using C++
Description : This book is an introduction to computer programming using C++ as the language for writing programmes, and to solid, fundamental programming principles - including writing structured programmes, looping, data structures and iteration.
Submitted On : 2020-08-30
File type : pdf
Downloads : 196
Pro TBB: C++ Parallel Programming with Threading Building Blocks
Description : This book is a modern guide for all C++ programmers to learn Threading Building Blocks (TBB). Written by TBB and parallel programming experts, this book reflects their collective decades of experience in developing and teaching parallel programming with TBB, offering their insights in an approachable manner. Throughout the book the authors present numerous examples and best practices to help you become an effective TBB programmer and leverage the power of parallel systems.
Submitted On : 2020-08-30
File type : pdf
Downloads : 62
The Boost C++ Libraries
Description : This book is an introduction to the Boost C++ Libraries. The Boost C++ Libraries complement the C++ standard and add many practical tools that can be of use to any C++ developer and in any C++ project. Because the Boost C++ Libraries are based on the C++ standard, they are implemented using state-of-the-art C++. They are platform independent and are supported on many operating systems, including Windows and Linux, by a large developer community.
Submitted On : 2020-08-30
File type : pdf
Downloads : 117
The Rook's Guide to C++
Description : This Creative Commons-licensed textbook written by Norwich University students and faculty aims to provide an introduction to the C++ programming language. The PDF and original typesetting materials are available if you are interested in having a free digital copy of your own or if you wish to contribute to improving the book.
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Data Parallel C++
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Optimizing software in C++
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File type : HTML
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Fundamentals of C++ Programming
Description : This book does not attempt to cover all the facets of the C++ programming language. Experi..., download free C++ Programming tutorial in PDF (766 pages) created by .
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File type : HTML
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C++ Exercices with solutions
Description : Download free document in PDF about C++ language, exercices and solutions for beginners and intermediate level students.
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Pointers - C++ course
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C++ Hacker's Guide
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C++ Notes for Professionals
Description : Download free course C++ Notes for Professionals, pdf file on 707 pages by Stack Overflow Community.
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Description : Download free course Financial Numerical Recipes in C++, pdf file on 264 pages by Bernt Arne Ødegaard.
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Fundamentals of C++ Programming
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Learning C++
Description : Download free course Learning C++, pdf file on 897 pages by Stack Overflow Community.
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Open Data Structures (in C++)
Description : Download free course Open Data Structures (in C++), pdf file on 336 pages by Pat Morin.
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File type : PDF
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Think C++
Description : Download free course Think C++, pdf file on 191 pages by Allen Downey.
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File type : PDF
Downloads : 137