Basic OOP in C++

Download C++ programming language courses about object-oriented programming (OOP), free training document in PDF by Eunsuk Kang and JeanYang.

Table of contents

  • Introduction to C++
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) in C++
  • What are objects?
  • OO languages
  • procedural languages
  • What about C++?
  • Classes
  • Classes: Declaration vs. definition
  • Class declaration
  • Methods
  • Constructors
  • Access control: public vs. private
  • constant fields
  • Header inclusion
  • Constructor definition
  • Method definition
  • Working with objects
  • Static object allocation
  • Calling the constructor
  • References
Size : 487.83 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1220
Created: 2015-12-09

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