Learning C#

Download a complete tutorial on C # entitled "Learn C #", PDF document on 1027 pages created by StackOverFlow.

Table of contents

  • Get starting with C #
  • Use the command line
  • Creating a new project in Visual Studio
  • Access Network Shared Folder with Username and Password
  • Accessing Databases
  • Integrated Type Aliases
  • Regex Analysis
  • Annotating Data
  • Expression trees
  • Named Arguments
  • Named and Optional Arguments
  • AssemblyInfo.cs Examples
  • Async / wait, Backgroundworker, Sample tasks and threads
  • Async-Await
  • BackgroundWorker
  • Parallel Task Library
  • BigInteger
  • BindingList
  • C # Script
  • Stopwatches
  • Static Classes
  • CLSCompliantAttribute
  • Insecure Code in .NET
  • How to use C # structures to create a union type (similar to
  • Comments and Regions
  • XML Documentation Comments
  • String Concatenation
  • Builders and Finalists
  • TPL Data Structures (Task Parallel Library)
  • Creating a Console Application Using a Plain Text Editor
  • Preprocessor Guidelines
  • Enum
  • Events
  • Running HTTP Requests
  • Lambda Expressions
  • Function with Multiple Return Values
  • C # 5.0 Features
  • C # 6.0 Features
  • Generate a random int
  • Generate a random double
  • Generate a random int in a given range
  • Generate the same sequence of random numbers again and again
  • Create multiple random classes with different seeds simultaneously
  • Generate a random character
  • Generate a number that is a percentage of a maximum value
Size : 6531.323 Kb
File type : pdf
Downloads: 1990
Created: 2019-04-21

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